The Cure To Your Self Doubt.

4 min readFeb 15, 2024
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Self doubt is the biggest obstacle in your way to success.

To achieve your goals, you need to be consistent. To be consistent, you need to see the value in working towards your goals everyday for years. But when you doubt yourself, you become inconsistent and give up.

You think:

“I can’t achieve my goals because I don’t have what it takes, so why even continue?”

For 4 years, I wrestled with self doubt and suffered from addiction because of it.

I would chase a goal with excitement, work for a few months, face obstacles, lose hope, and give up.

Then I would indulge in video games and social media to cope with my depressive thoughts.

It took me 4 years of suffering and failure (jumping from one project to another) to finally find the solution.

It all made sense when I thought deeply about the root of my self doubt.


Self doubt can be traced back to childhood. You might not have been appreciated by your family when you did great things.

That’s why you might have self doubt.

It was certainly the case for me. I was a “gifted” child. From my first year at school till the time I dropped out, I got the best…

