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The Best Writing Advice You’ve Never Heard.



People will always tell you to write everyday.

As if you could turn on a switch and bang on your keyboards effortlessly.

I’m against this advice because it’s vague. I think the better advice would be “just write.”

Let me explain.

Writing is easy if you think about it. You know a lot of vocabulary. You know how to write a sentence and a paragraph. You’ve probably communicated a lot of ideas by texting your friends.

Then what’s stopping you from writing? What terrifies you so much you are willing to swallow hot coals rather than write?

I know what terrifies you. The thought of messing it up. You have a wonderful idea or epiphany you want to communicate. But your brain tells you “this is how you should write,” or “start by using a great analogy.”

When you procrastinate, it means you feel incapable of writing the way your perfectionist brain demands. So you avoid writing in the first place.

The solution?

Just write.

You can’t find a great way to start your article, story, or chapter?

Just write: “I’m sitting here and struggling to find the perfect way to start this. I’ve always struggled to start writing, but once…

