The Beauty Of Writing What You Are Passionate About.

When you do this, people actually read your work.

3 min readFeb 12, 2024
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

Have you ever seen someone smile and couldn’t help but smile as well?

It’s as if they transfer their energy to you.

Smiling is so contagious that it even works on phone calls.

One common advice for salesmen who sell over the phone is: “Smile while talking. Smiling brings a happy tone to your voice, which transfers to your listener.”

Among other contagious human behavior there’s also the way you talk.

If you talk with passion about something, you can make your listeners interested in what you are saying. Passion shows in your voice.

“Passion is better than preparation.” – La Rochefocaould.

The secret behind the most persuasive speeches of political leaders and sport coaches is passion. They put so much energy into their message that the listeners can’t help but feel it as well.

I have noticed that whenever I talk about history (something I’m passionate about), my listeners are more attentive than usual.

Another thing I swear by is literature. I have convinced so many of my friends and family members to read certain books just by talking about them.

